Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Make Me Feel Something

Singing is about communication, and if we don't do that, why bother to sing?  Recitals are coming up and once again, I am reminded of the things that I don't spend enough time teaching (although in 25 minutes once a week, there really isn't time for everything, so I guess I shouldn't be too hard on myself).

Yes, I want my students to sound good, and to produce that good sound in a healthy way, but more importantly, I want them to be able to share the joy they feel in making music and to express the text in a way that makes the audience really listen.  So this week, here's what we've been listening to.

Ella, as always, is exquisite.  The tone, the expressivity, the personality--it's all there.  And Louis Armstrong is wonderful.  Maybe the vocal quality isn't great, but it doesn't matter, because he didn't sing this.  He became the music.  The voice teacher in me doesn't cringe at the gravelly sound.  I rejoice.  If one of my kids could pull off a performance like this, I'd be overjoyed.  He gets it.  He knows what music is about.

And this next video is one of the most powerful performances I have ever seen.  Vocal issues?  Maybe.  But who cares when it is this engaging.  I can't stop watching.  Dame Judi Dench owns this.

Dear students, I'm not expecting perfection at the recital.  Just love the music, live in it, and make me feel something.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. One more option for listening.
