Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Meanest Teacher

My friends with children sometimes post about how their children think they have the meanest mom in the world.  I feel sort of left out, so today I decided to be the meanest teacher.

I had several times open for today that students could use to sign up for make up lessons.  One student signed up that didn't need a make up lesson.  He's had several absences, so I thought that maybe he was confused about how many make ups he needed.  I told him that he didn't need to have a lesson today because he was totally caught up.

His reply was, "Well what if I want a lesson today?"

To be honest, he gets brownie points for asking that.  I answered with another question.

"How much practicing have you done since your last lesson?"

The answer was none, so I told him we weren't doing an extra lesson if he hadn't practiced.  I sent him back to his choir class.

He didn't actually call me the meanest teacher, but can I claim that anyway?  At least for today?  This is high school after all, where some students still contact me to cancel their "singing practice" when what they really mean is they want to cancel their voice lesson.  There is a difference, and maybe I need to do more to instruct them about that difference.

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