Friday, August 9, 2013

Music Teacher's Helper and Me Part 3 (or Part 2 Rewritten)

Sometimes technology hates me.  Actually, I just made a dumb mistake and didn't catch it soon enough to undo it, so I totally lost the text for the post "Music Teacher's Helper and Me Part 2".  If anyone was so amazed by it that you saved it and printed it, please send me a copy.  Since the chance of that are slim to none, I decided to try to reconstruct something resembling what the first post looked like.  I remember that although it was intended to be a post about what I learned at convention about MTH, I didn't really learn a lot new, so I used that post to comment on how I am using all the cool new things I learned about while preparing the session.

This post will hopefully help me pull some thoughts together.  I have an article to write for the MMTA newsletter.  It won't really resemble this much, but believe it or not, it really does help me to just write like this.  I'll try to remember to post a link to the article when it is done.

Home Page

Your home page can be customized to include any or all of the following:  unreconciled events, upcoming events, birthdays, latest blog articles, account information, a monthly earnings chart, and overdue lent items.  I like having the account and earnings info come up every time I log in.  If you are up to date with charging fees and reconciling lessons, you can see exactly what you pending earnings are and who owes you.  (Unfortunately, due to a change in the way I am entering the charges in the system, and the fact that I haven't updated old accounts, this feature isn't as helpful for me as it could be.)  I also have the unreconciled events show up on my home page, but I've decide not to include more items because it was just too much for me on one page.  

Students Tab

The pages included under this tab are the ones that I've been trying to make better use of in the last few months.  MTH recently updated the manage student page.  One of the helps of that update is that now when you click on "view", you are taken to one page from which you can easily access all information relating to that particular student.  It's still not quite as clean a process as I would like it to be, but it is an improvement.  

I've always used the email feature, but now that I am being more complete on the information that I include on students' individual files, I can also quickly select just the particular group that I want.  For example, if something applies only to my EVHS students, I can enter EVHS in the filter and it will pull up only the EVHS students and their parents. I'm also getting more comfortable with some of the formatting options in the MTH email page.

Only a few of my students are using the MTH practice log.  (I don't require it.)  I'm also having trouble remembering to check the logs.  I wish the practice log information was included in the daily summary emails that I receive.  Although there is great potential with this feature, I'm not using it as well as I probably could.  

I am doing much better with the Lending Library.  All of my materials that circulate are now entered in the system.  I've been checking things in and out during lessons so I'm not forgetting or getting behind.  Once it is all set up, the Lending Library is very quick and easy to use.  

Repertoire Tracker is another area where I'm just not doing all I would like to.  I think I really do need to spend lesson time on this or it won't get done.  I might end up just using it to record songs that students use for contests.  I like the ability to record information about the score the student received.  

Calendar Tab

I am pleased to announce that the calendar features are being well used.  I am now using my MTH calendar as my personal calendar too.  (I just added myself as a student.)  I've added several new categories and locations with their own individual colors and icons.  It looks pretty good.  

I required all students and parents to have log in information, and now all scheduling, canceling, and rescheduling is on the website.  I love it!   No more phone or email tag trying to set things up.  A student signs up on the website, it is automatically changed on my calendar, and I receive an email to let me know that a change has been made.  The only tricky thing is that I still need to go in a change the price when a student cancels with the required 48 hours notice.

I've also discovered that when setting up the calendar, if you use the blocked dates page, you can choose a range of days rather than blocking just one day at a time on the actual calendar.

My MTH calendar also sends updated to the calendars on my computer and phone so I see things there too.  Unfortunately, it doesn't work the other way around, so everything has to be entered in MTH first.  I also can't edit events in iCal or on my phone.  If someone has found ways around this, please let me know.

Billing Tab

There are things I need to clean up and do better with in this area.  Because I charge quarterly, but it isn't at a regular interval (like the 15th of every 3 months), I can't set it up to charge tuition automatically.  What I used to do was divide the tuition by the number of lessons and have the system charge a per lesson fee.  But that got messy when dealing with make up lessons, etc.  Last year, I changed to making lessons $0 and then using the charge a fee function to enter the full price of tuition.  It worked much better, but unfortunately, there are still a few things to clean up from previous years.  

I also want to get better at using the mileage tracker and expenses records.  I always put my expenses in, but it's usually as I'm preparing my taxes at the end of the year.  I want to get better at recording things right away.  I also think that some of the travel I am doing could count as a business expense, so I need to do a better job of recording that.  

My goal for reports is to download and back up the information more often.  If the entire MTH site crashed (which is highly unlikely, but still possible) would I still be able to reconstruct my records?  I'm a firm believer in having multiple back ups in place.  I just downloaded my latest reports and in addition to saving them on my computer, I emailed them to myself so there is a copy in my email too.  

Website Tab

This tab is where you control all the content of your site.  One of the reasons I chose MTH is that it allowed me to make password protected files available to my students.  I have about 30 handouts that I used to copy and give to students as we discussed that material. Now I just put a note in their lesson notes to go log in and look at the related file on the website.  I'm saving paper and time by having these all ready to go and making them easily accessible to my students.  I've been working revising all of my handouts (about 30 right now), creating PDFs of them, and posting them in the File Area.  

I need to learn more about how to post photos.  I don't like the way it is set up right now.  

I'm also hoping to get better about posting announcements on the website.  I send out a lot of email communications, but I need to remember to get the short version on the website too.  

I just spent some time updating the information on the various pages of my website.  I'm not saying that it's totally what I want yet, but it is better.

Affiliate Program

I haven't made any money yet through the affiliate program, but if you're interested in creating your own Music Teacher's Helper website, please click here to get 10% off your first month.  Then you too can join the affiliate program and make money (maybe) just by telling people about Music Teacher's Helper.  

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