Sunday, October 25, 2009

Excuses vs. taking care of myself

Life has been busy. I've been tired. I could go on, but it's the same stuff that always gets in the way of writing or singing. I haven't even been reading other blogs this week. (And a week of blogs is a lot to catch up on.) I could beat myself up for not accomplishing all that I should, but what good does that really do. Instead, I choose to acknowledge that there were some difficulties this week, and I did what I needed to do to take care of myself. My house is much cleaner and I've had the rest I needed. I've also got the sugar and caffeine out of my system which will make me a much kinder person.

The good news is, even though I haven't had much actual singing time in my practice, I've still been able to make contact with my music every day. Teaching also reinforces vocal concepts even if I don't get a chance to apply them myself as much as I would like.

I'm including links to 3 blogs I read this week that I think are awesome. I don't always agree with this author, but I like the fact that she tells it like it is. She doesn't sugar coat anything. She says, here's who I am and what I believe. I hope you find something useful in her writing.

Ok, I'm having technical difficulties today and can't seem to get the other blogs to link. So, once you've read "How large is your spirit", also read "fix my voice" and the blog on vocal health.

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