Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Practice Challenge

As I mentioned yesterday, my students have lots of excuses for why they can't practice more. And some of those are valide excuses. But, I have encouraged them to at least make some kind of contact with their music every day.

How can we encourage our students to practice more when we let work and home obligations get in the way of our practicing? Maybe you don't have issues, but I know I do. It's been said (and I don't always agree) that if you really want to accomplish something you should tell people. Being accountable to others gives you that little extra push. So, I'm telling you. With my schedule and my ever changing health situation, I can't guarantee solid, singing practice everyday, but I can do something everyday to keep me in contact with my songs and brush up on technique. Each day I'll write a report about my practice. You will find it here listed as "Practice Journal (insert date)".

Is anyone interested in joining me? You can use the comment function to report on your practicing.

I'm excited to see first, how much I grow and how much progress I make this year, and second, if my students will be at all motivated to take the challenge if they know that I am trying to do the same hard thing.

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